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Thursday, July 07, 2011

What do you wanna be when you grow up?

I change,all the time,one day I plan to own a unicorn farm,another day I'll think of being a spy,as much as I love fashion,I never plan to be a fashion designer,I don't think it suits me plus I can't really draw.

Ok fine. I admit that I am in a dilemma.

Actually I made up my mind already,to study mass communications once I enter college & major in journalism or in broadcasting. I know that no matter how much I love fashion & make-up,I want a real job & a real career & to be a real person,because some people think I'm some beauty conscious bitch. I want to host tv shows,I want to be a radio deejay,I want to write in newspapers,I want to be a fashion editor in a fashion magazine,so? This explains why mass comm is the thing for me,but wait..

I also love science.

Note that I am NOT in science stream,I choose not to be mainly because there's stupid add maths plus I think the pressure is high. Many people in my life assume that kids who are in science stream are clever bunch of kiddies who are nerds & play Pokemon throughout their kiddie life. While the ones from the other normal classes are less clever & are more prone to laziness,boo to you too if you think the same way as these people do -_____-  ANYWAY,I like both & I don't know what to do now,people usually ask me which one I love more,that's like asking me do I love my mom or God more? No specific answer to that since I love both. I love science,especially biology,if I am able to continue my studies either majoring or minoring in biology,that'd be really REALLY cool. We'll see how it goes,it depends on my results anyways,plus I am getting lazier as SPM gets nearer which doesn't make sense at all,I don't even know what do I do in a day??? I know I rant a lot about me being lazy & all that but it's really hard to get all energized to 'study' especially for me,I am the epic queen of laziness,so how? Do I need to go & participate in 'The laziest looser Asia?'

ANYWAY,any of you know a guy who looks like Jay Park? 

(photo via

Crap. Do you notice his left eyebrow?
Crap. Do you see the bling on his ears?
Crap. Do you see 'Da Killa Swag' on his cap?
Crap. His body.
Crap. His very white teeth.
Crap. His tattoos.

check this aaaaaaooouuuuuwwwttt.
For all you SPM candidates like me,are you constantly checking facebook & feeling guilty after that? Why not spend time to ease your stress & get some tips from other students here & be part of the community! Also not forgetting PMR candidates,we got a special place for you guys too,click here for PMR candidates. Good luck!

Nia Leah