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Friday, August 19, 2011

Why so miserable?

She thinks she's the only one who's unhappy in life,the only one who goes through rough patches,the only one who is sad that things don't turn out good. Well she's wrong,everybody has their own problems too but why do some people seem like they have no problems? I guess they are just better at hiding their problems simply because they don't want to be unhappy all the time. While some people like me just refuse to be unhappy,I don't know,I'm just so against emo people & people who trip over the smallest shit in their life. I don't know what is SHE so unhappy about but I am also unhappy because......................

I wanna be like Alexa Chung cuz she's dating Alex Turner which is awesome.

I wanna be Kendall Jenner because she's tall & has the perfect body for me.

I wanna have a happy family like Angelina & Brad's.
I wanna have a long & sweet relationship. A real one.

I wanna stay at home & read GG & watch GG all day long every day every year all the time.

I wanna eat ice cream everyday. Especially very berry strawberry.

Why do I still survive? Why am I still cheerful? It's easy. It's just a part of life. Nothing can make you upset unless you let it upset you first. Trust me I am making a lot of sense. Back when I was dating my ex I was an emo person too but life slowly changed after I start taking control of my emotions & not let my moods control me. I don't like upset people ruining my life & my mood,I choose my mood & my how things go in my life. I don't understand how she can be upset when she clearly knows I'm happy. There are times when I wish she can just be happy for me instead of saying shits. But that's just how she is,I love her but I am starting to dislike her attitude & her perspective towards life. Nothing is perfect in life,it will never be either. 

If you ever get upset with something,don't let your anger out on people,do something,open a blog or whatever. People don't like being scolded at for nothing. And don't stay cranky for more than a day,don't sleep with tears on your eyes & don't sleep angry. Don't let frustration take control of you & don't let your life go into pieces. Sigh.....pelican fly.