Woah thank you so much peepoes!!!
My first time having 1k+ visitors in a day!!
This might be SO normal for other people but I'm not some father effing famous blogger or anything so this is pretty cool. Thank you again :)
I had a bad day,I screw up on paper 2 science today,the weather in school was freaking chilly & I was so restless throughout the whole entire paper 2 cuz I was fussing over my answers. Anyway,leave it to God,lets see how it goes :) My science stream friends are sitting biology today,laugh out loud,was it fun? :D life sucks thanks to exam. I updated my tumblr with something too today. I re-do some stuffs on this blog cuz it was getting messier & I don't think I have the guts to change my url cuz I've been using it for 2 years already,I can't just throw it away :( OH OH OH!! I added a music playlist down there,feel free to turn it on if you wanna listen to the songs,most of em are uhmazing songs that I love listening to. Comment down there,I'm bored,would like to hear bout what you guys are up to or if you have anything you want me to check out,like your blog or whatever,feel free to comment about it & I'll check it out. Xoxo. Nia.