I wanna be like Alexa Chung cuz she's dating Alex Turner which is awesome.
I wanna be Kendall Jenner because she's tall & has the perfect body for me.
I wanna have a happy family like Angelina & Brad's.
I wanna have a long & sweet relationship. A real one.
I wanna stay at home & read GG & watch GG all day long every day every year all the time.
I wanna eat ice cream everyday. Especially very berry strawberry.
Why do I still survive? Why am I still cheerful? It's easy. It's just a part of life. Nothing can make you upset unless you let it upset you first. Trust me I am making a lot of sense. Back when I was dating my ex I was an emo person too but life slowly changed after I start taking control of my emotions & not let my moods control me. I don't like upset people ruining my life & my mood,I choose my mood & my how things go in my life. I don't understand how she can be upset when she clearly knows I'm happy. There are times when I wish she can just be happy for me instead of saying shits. But that's just how she is,I love her but I am starting to dislike her attitude & her perspective towards life. Nothing is perfect in life,it will never be either.
If you ever get upset with something,don't let your anger out on people,do something,open a blog or whatever. People don't like being scolded at for nothing. And don't stay cranky for more than a day,don't sleep with tears on your eyes & don't sleep angry. Don't let frustration take control of you & don't let your life go into pieces. Sigh.....pelican fly.