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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nothing to do.

My skin is being totally obedient nowadays,I think I'm gonna stop breaking out,feels as if my time is over,hopefully. I am so happy that hard work pays,I used to have flawless skin,I am working hard to get it back. Note that this is how I really look like,no make up,no contact lens,no eyelid tape (I don't even use eyelid tape wtf!),no pretty clothes,not even eyebrow powder! I am showing you my completely bare face right here,I am proud to be so brave :D

Miss T,my girlfriend,is obsessed with her new book called Pretty Little Liars I wanna follow the trend cuz I watched the show on 8tv the other day & the plot seems mysterious plus the cast are all so gorgeous! Nothing beats Gossip Girl of course but I want to add on some interesting cool ass dramas to my dull live,I may be getting the novels from T soon also. Can't wait!

photo via weheartit

photo via weheartit

I forgot to announce this good news to you people! My sister borrowed me her little laptop,even though there is like 3 computers at home but I don't get access all the time,so my sister decide to just let me use this little notebook & I'm so glad to say that I can go online & check out looks plus blog all I want anytime! How cool is this?? And since I found the perfect denim for me last week while shopping with my mom,I decide to pair it up with my grey cropped t-shirt the other day & I felt naked because I don't have my belly piercing anymore :( It costs me like RM40 to get it pierced & trust me the process isn't that fun to talk about but I like the look of having my belly pierced,so I decide to pierce it again if I have the time,chance & cash cuz it's sad to see my  belly rings unused.

photo via weheartit

I'm going out with T,J & K tomorrow :) will be a great day,cuz I'm meeting new people & meeting up with my girlfriend again,which is the best I can ever do. My girlfriend T,happens to be studying far away & we rarely get to see each other,she calls me sometimes when she's able to but it just doesn't feel right if we don't meet face to face,she's a total sweetheart & it's worth spending every minute with her while she's around. Sign that petition up there if you haven't! I am demanding you to do a good thing in life for once. Thank you! :D

Here,a video of one of my most favourite people on earth,he's fucking hilarious. Hope he makes your day!