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Sunday, February 13, 2011

can't wait for tommorow!

Hey :) Its valentines day tommorow & I really can't wait for the first valentines outing & the romantic-ness people experience on that time of the year,a few days back I was reading about it on the newspapers,I think it was yesterday's paper,some bull crap shit saying that people can't celebrate Valentines cause it equals to worshiping pagan Gods wtf & who cares? Some people in Malaysia really needs to open up. By the way hor...I still haven't assemble a proper outfit to wear tommorow *GASP* & I do concern bout how am I gonna look like "just because" its once in a year celebration,but I did plan my make up & facial routines,I got plenty of products to do reviews on this time :D Stay tuned! Fringe's getting longer,I think I'll start experimenting with my curling thong to curl my bangs like what many japanese girls are doing currently,new trend,its kinda cute.

I got this while purchasing my usual Hada Labo lotion
I shall blog a review bout everything & anything soon!

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