I'm addicted to this drama. "Dream High" at kbs every monday & tuesday,its awesome! I really love Suzy from Miss A but i don't like her here,her character is the most LANC ever - - I really wish i have Suzy's skin though,how can her skin be so kao smooth one? And she's so sial pretty,dang the world is unfair,but i was told that artists are chosen 80% on looks,and i agree..look at all the korean artist,ever seen an ugly one? GOT but very few lor.. If your talking about Susan Boyle then shut up,she's british,hahahahha!
What are you guys up to this holiday season? I'm studying as usual but also having some spare time watching Gossip Girl season 2,dear boyfie downloaded it for me & i'm so glad he did! Gossip Girl is my virtual world,some kids play video games or online games so they can enter their virtual world but mine is Gossip Girl,lolsssssssssssssssss. I've always wanted to live in the big apple,ahhhh *birds chirping*
I'm addicted to Dream High's soundtrack too! There's a fat girl in the beginning of the show,i have no idea what's her name but she was in a sushi suit when she was singing this song called "someday" and this song is sooo darn sweet! Youtube it :) "IU-Someday" and you'll get tons of results. Also check out "Don't go home by GD & TOP" :D
madamoiselle nia.
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