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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Big Bang "Love song" video world premiere.

I realized its so hard for me to do the simplest things that others take for granted. For example,blogging,I have restrictions when it comes to the internet & sometimes when I don't go online I feel like do I actually have a life outside? I guess not,cuz I am a homebody,so I usually work with my mind,but this is getting a little bit extreme,I'm kinda scared to shits now,I don't wanna be a looser that has no life other than the internet. That cannot fucking happen.

No fashion post,no looks post,today I'll make it short & simple.
About Big Bang.
Eh,they are koreans,haven't heard of them then you need to go tell your mama to give birth to you all over again.
They have a new song out called "Love Song" & also a new album! (including posters & photobooks) 
Teaser for "Love song". How the eff did they do this? A teaser one by one,just to tickle our senses & make us wait for it like a dog waiting for dog food *tongue sticking out*
Watch it from up to down :)

The 1st teaser,with all of them in it.





TOP (my favourite) 

And now its out already :)
I love their look here,with all the smart looking clothes,they are getting so much more mature,for your information these boys are hip hop powerhouses,they are b-boys,rappers & thugs,their transformation over the years are just so amazing.

If I had a proper phone this would totally be my wallpaper,look at TOP,like an angel 

(gotta do my homework now)

1 comment:

Monica said...

That skull logo is amazing! Kind of random hah ;)

Monica from F&ML: Fashion And My Life