Taken when i was out with my sis to Full House Sunway Giza.
I wore something really simple,black pumps,denim looking leggings,my black bag (boyfie's gift),leopard print singlet & all i did was tied my hair into a high ponytail & add an animal print scarf & bangles. I don't like to look like a kiddo,lol.
This is just another daily diary entry.
Was & is pissed cause i noticed that some people act like they don't know me when they actually do. I'm having the "wtf" mode right now? I really just don't get it. Because i personally hate people ignoring me,i find that plain rude -.- Don't you think so? Or is it just me? Btw i have a very bad & painful swollen right eye now,will NOT upload the picture here. Yesterday was one tired day,i slept till 6+ then woke up to a christmas open house,my house was filled with people & i had to face the world with my swollen right eye,gasp! The food was great,i was full but i kept on eating anyways. Was annoyed because my mum & dad have been so good to all these church members,people came because they knew it was our christmas open house & my parent's 30th wedding anniversary. Only one family gave my parents a gift! The rest just came empty handed eating out expensive catered food & expensive double cake then left! Some didn't even said thank you to my dad after he gave out gifts to everybody! OMG i can't believe some people even have the guts to even come in the first place! Some of them barely attend church services! This is why i get really tensed up that my dad is serving in this kind of ministry where you face typical minded people who have no brains. I'm not expecting for them to pour gifts to my parents its just that my dad has been helping them (these native people) go through many things even offering free food,my family is NOT some donation thingy! For many years of them serving these people i can't believe that they don't know how to be thankful at all. I'm dissapointed for real. I need food now! What shall i eat? I'm so fluffin hungray!
Not even 12 yet & i'm full of things to write about,must be an intelligent person,heh *tsk tsk* i found something very awkward & also funny. Its....THE..............................

NETI POT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its this amazing aladin looking ancient looking pot that clears of nasal congestion making you breath clearly & feeling fresh! Awesome right? I got sinus so i really get fascinated by things like this,mind me. I like how antique this thing looks! You can put it up as decoration in your living room & no one knows that you use it to clean your nose LOL!

That is how we use it,doink! This is perfect if you wanna look like a fool.
This is better,i actually laughed like fluff when i watched this! There its written that you should enjoy the soothing feeling but this lady over here looks like she just got raped LOL! Anyways,i'm really into this Neti Pot,gonna google it to buy it IF its affordable :D
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