Nice movie :) If you are a facebook fan & if you get unusual humour you should go watch this,i don't get it,why did this movie isn't one of the top movies? Its pretty awesome actually. Mid night movie again,it was hard to sneak out of the house with "someone" giving me the eye,shitters....
One of the guy who acted here named Andrew Garfield is kinda hot *drooools* And i didn't know he was british,awesome sial! Robert Pattinson is also british & he's so hot too,the power of those bloody british-ers lollsss.

This guy who made facebook,Mark Zuckerberg,genius & also a freak,talks as fast as WTF. He spends his time writing codes which is really cool but also weird. Hmmm...i wonder when can i be smart like that? I only know basic codes but at least i know a lil something,kan? LOLss. Well my holiday's are kinda boring,not even one friend called me out for a "drinking session" or even for a chit chat,haizz...lets me just stick to my "do my own things" world. I came back form KK a few days back,it was nice there,spent only three days & you know i know,time passes fast when your having fun. I have a few pictures,will upload it soon,the only requests i got was from baby boy.
I invented something during the holidays too,a bun maker! You kow these days they sell all sorts of gadgets for girls to tie hair buns in a quicker & less messier way? I didn't think the price was worth it so i made my own tool,don't laugh kay...its made out of socks,hahaha! Your probably goin *omfg she is gonna insert her hair into some old stinky sock by i dont know who* LOLsss! This is cheap and actually pretty nice :) If your a cheapskate like me you can go ahead & ask me how did i make it.
Oh ya,im so bored & lifeless im basically asking people out to date me for a drink or a chit chat. I don't like dating people out cos im the one who usually does that? What do you think i am? A ask-you-out-for-a-date machine? plans for now,get my vivi magazine/popteen/scawaii,slather on some mask,turn on the air conditioner till my room is so freakin cold & i can see "smoke" out from my mouth when i breath,chillax & don't worry aboout life. I gotta study sooner for form5 subjects before SPM comes,or else im gonna be like those people that claim they study but in fact they never study when spm results come out. Who cares....i'll do my own things & lets see what happens.
Yup,i cut the socks & rolled them into these shape,notice that its a round & bun shape? Yeah,all you gotta do is wrap your human furr into these to get a perfect round shape,nice cheap & fuss free,LOLsss.
Seee! Don't mess with my creativity,it looks normal who the heck knows that its made of a pair of socks? RIGHT?
Im off now,ciaoz :)
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